Well the other day I figured I should start working on my whistle status sense I was at Normal status. So I read all the guidelines thoroughly and then head off on my quest. Reporting all Spam, stupid quotes that are not reviews, and etc. ALL OF A SUDDEN MY WHISTLE STATUS IS GARBAGE. WTF!?!?!? I know for a fact that every post i reported should have been deleted. It kind of pissed me off. I was like, wtf is wrong with newgrounds......
Im afraid to dig myself out of it because Id rather not go any deeper. Any suggestions on what I could do?
The same thing happened to me a while back. I have but one suggestion, read Rage's thread. That one thread where tons of people get together and share things that should be reported. Other than that I wish you luck.
Have a good day sir.
Thanks for the help :D
I got myself back to normal, but seems I'm back in the trash again hahahaha